Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Fully Democratic Western Hemisphere...

...before the end of my nasty, brutish and short life. Democracy in the Middle East and Africa. Democracy in Asia. Univeral Democracy is nothing short of the answer to the prayer:

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Democracies do not fight, and there will be Universal Peace. No wars. No pain. No tears, forever...

Democracy is bloody, so let it be bloodier for the enemies of democracy, who will give you rocks when you are hungry, and vinegar when you thirst. Give them nothing, not even an argument. They speaketh much, but sayeth nothing.

Ye will know them by their words, and wild hair, large nostrils and sharp teeth. They are Sons of a Bitch. Flesh-eating monsters who roam the Earth in search of blood and flesh. Art has some truth in them: Dracula. Frankenstein. Werewolves running in packs, they are.

On the darkest of nights, with no moon to bear witness, they feast on the flesh of innocents. Hunt them down from the dark hills, make them flee with their black robes into the Streets of Revenge, and prey for me, My Friends...